Friday, November 09, 2007


Today I reached the site earlier than other people though I felt that I am late (is it late if you reach the office at 8.30am? If your working hour start at 9.00am). I guess I am used to reach the site at 7.30am everyday, except for today.

Today there's question pop out where I started to ask myself 'what is wrong with this people?'. I always managed to put away my anger but for the past few days it kind of difficult.

I am not trying to say who is right, who is wrong. What is right, what is wrong. Unfortunately, I am confidently say something is not right with attitude and manners of certain people.

How can a person can have a very good manners and polite with the customer at the front office but very rude and unfriendly with other coulleges from other department, especially to 'support' team like us? They always think that we do not deserve respect. For them, we are like maids or even worst actually. This whole thing upsad me and I guess I need to do something. Live with it or leave it? I ain't sure about it.

However, I totally believe the HR need to do something about it. Not just promoting good customer service to the client but also among friends and coulleges. No matter permanent staffs, contractors or even vendors, we are also human being. By giving some respect to other people, it would create a better day to everyone including the person him/herself.

Else, what ever they promoted is not worth it since there's no value and therefore they already lost a customer which is ME.

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